What does Gait Analysis Mean ?

Gait analysis in simpler words means assessing the way  a person walks or runs.

The human walking motion is also called a gait cycle. It comprises several sub-components of movements that repeat themselves with every stride you take.  Our body’s joints and muscles move in a controlled, coordinated manner to walk efficiently and with minimal effort.

An abnormal walking pattern can make an individual feel tired, unsteady, or even lead to falling.

An experienced and skilled therapist will observe a patient walk or run and accurately point out the missing components of gait or critical abnormalities in the walking cycle. 

Observing the critical abnormalities will help the therapist further investigate the irregularities in joint movement (Range of Motion) or muscle strength that contributes to the faulty walking patterns. 

Physical therapists will use this information to design a treatment plan that is very specific to the patient.

The Physical therapists at Asara Physical Therapy and Balance Clinic have helped many patients build their dynamic signature walk. <br/>

Let us help you walk out of our clinic stronger on every visit of yours.


Walking Movement Analysis

How is analyzing the gait helpful ?

An experienced and skilled therapist will observe a patient walk or run and accurately point out the missing components of Gait or critical abnormalities in the walking cycle.

Analyzing the walking pattern will help the therapist further investigate the abnormalities in joint movement (Range of Motion) or muscle strength that contributes to the faulty walking patterns.

Physical therapists will use this information to design a treatment plan that is very specific to the patient.
An experienced and skilled therapist will observe a patient walk or run and accurately point out the missing components of Gait or critical abnormalities in the walking cycle.

Walking Movement Analysis


Gait Training

How do we train Gait ?

We help patients walk by supporting the patient body weight and predictably moving the leg, and guiding the muscles with our hands.

Using hands-on skills to retrain muscles is called Neurodevelopmental Treatment Approach. We utilize our advanced training along with technology to help patients walk.

We show the patient the abnormalities of Gait through video recording and gait analysis.

It helps improve the patients' perception of normalcy. The patient works with the therapist to improve their mechanics for a much efficient walking pattern.

The Physical therapists at Asara Physical Therapy and Balance Clinic have helped many patients build their dynamic signature walk. Let us help you walk out of our clinic stronger on every visit of yours.

We help patients walk by supporting the patient body weight and predictably moving the leg, and guiding the muscles with our hands.

Using hands-on skills to retrain muscles is called Neurodevelopmental Treatment Approach. We utilize our advanced training along with technology to help patients walk.

We show the patient the abnormalities of Gait through video recording and gait analysis.

It helps improve the patients' perception of normalcy. The patient works with the therapist to improve their mechanics for a much efficient walking pattern.

The Physical therapists at Asara Physical Therapy and Balance Clinic have helped many patients build their dynamic signature walk. Let us help you walk out of our clinic stronger on every visit of yours.
